About Mel
My Mother Wendy, a passionate gardener with an enviable green thumb, encouraged me for years to consistently water, feed, prune and nurture my plants and flowers. I'd do alright for a week or two, then life took over and far too many plants under my care met an early demise.
I bought a farm in 2021 and, motivated by my mom and my great grandparent's ability to grow food on their Kansas farm, I dove deep into learning how to grow my own thriving garden.
Year one, cherry tomatoes grew from seed on my back deck. The experience was pretty magical for me, and I was floored by how much better they tasted than store-bought.
Year two was an expanded garden with more of the same, plus mushy, tasteless corn and cucumbers and peppers that never grew. BUT, the heirloom tomatoes I grew were astounding!
After way too many Google searches and Youtube /Insta videos watching other "experts" give conflicting and often confusing advice, I landed on a system that changed everything. I learned the importance of the right soil, seasonal growth patterns, ideal irrigation techniques, organic pest control, seed starting, soil blocking, planting, tending, harvesting...and I am proud to say I'm now a certified garden consultant. The mission is to help everyone, even those who believe they're not capable (Especially those people, actually!) grow a little something for themselves. Maybe a lot of something's, if that turns out to be your jam. What I can tell you from my experience is how exhilarating it is to take an itty bitty little seed and work with nature to help it grow into a full-fledged, delicious thing you and family and friends can actually eat. Check out the Kitchen Garden section above where you can sign up for a consultation with me to start your own kitchen garden.
Happy growing!